The Learning Commons is the place to meet all of your school needs. Whether it be researching online databases to retrieve accurate information for your class project, checking out the latest books, taking an AR test, participating in our Sunshine State Young Readers' reading contest, playing one of our many board games or just plugging in to charge your device, we are here to assist you.

Learning Common 1

Learning Common 1

Learning Commons Information

  • The Learning Commons is open from 8:15 in the morning to 3:15 in the afternoon.
  • You must have a signed agenda to enter the Learning Commons.
  • You must always sign in when you visit the Learning Commons.
  • Your backpack should be placed in the entry way.
  • You may check out as many as two books at a time.
  • Sunshine State books cannot be put on hold.
  • You may only check out 1 Sunshine State book at a time.
  • If you have an overdue book, you may check out one paperback book. If you lose a book, you will have to pay the replacement cost for it.
  • Any profanity or inappropriate behavior will result in your being asked to leave the Learning Commons and your KIT card being signed.
  • Books may be checked out for two weeks at a time. They can be renewed unless someone else has put the book on hold.
  • Books will be treated with respect. Do not dog-ear, tear out pages, lose or destroy the book. You will have to pay for the book.
Little Free Library  Sunshine State Readers logo - silhouette of child reading book next to palm tree Sunshine State Readers

District Online Resources

Accelerated Reader Logo

Polk County Public Schools’ Library Media Services acknowledges the importance of maintaining access to current resources, building research skills, and developing digital literacy skills. PCPS provides a variety of online resources for all our schools, such as Gale database resources, Accelerated Reader, World Book Web, and more! Visit the link below to see the full list of online resources.

Online Resources